In this video, we learn how to understand the Tricktionary for pro jump roping. This is a great system where you label your moves by letter instead of making up names for them so you can avoid confusion. You can show your skills in a manner that everyone will understand when you use this method. You will need to use the "jump a bet" with the Tricktionary so you understand what moves you are doing and how to do them as well. This is a way to help you invent new skills, showing how tricks jump...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to parkour. Parkour is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment. This video focuses on vaulting. Viewers will learn a few of the key vaults in parkour which include: Kong Vault, Speed Vault, Reverse Vault, Lazy Vault, and the Palm Spin. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in parkour or free running and want to be able to train their body to overcome...
Have you ever wondered what to do with the top holes on your running shoes? Our host shows the best technique for providing ankle support with the lacing on your running shoes. With this simple lacing trick you can help to protect your ankles, and give yourself much better support while running. Those holes aren't just there for decoration; they can help you, and our host shows us how with this one simple add-on to lacing your shoes.
Scottish hammer throwing from a guy just barely figuring it out himself. This is a track and field event not common in high school but seen in the Olympics. This tutorial concentrates on good body position and safe use of muscle groups when rotating.
These are great running drills by Lauren Fleshman! They're useful for runners both sprinters, hurdlers and long distance runners. She talks about body position, range of motion, posture and gait. The karaoke drill is a sideways drill. The high knee drill is to recreate the perfect running position by using a knee lifting skip. It freezes your body frame in proper position and exploding with your back foot off of the ground.
Learn how to train for the 800 meter sprint with expert tips and advice on Olympic races in this free instructional video series on training for the 800m sprint.
Learn how to train for the 200 meter sprint with expert tips and advice on Olympic races in this free running video series on training the 200m sprint.
Learn how to train for the 400 meter sprint with expert tips and advice on Olympic races in this free exercise and fitness video series on training for the 400m sprint.
Learn how to train for the 100 meter sprint with expert tips and advice on Olympic races in this free training video series on running the 100m sprint..
Take a look at this demonstrational video and learn how to do kneel and straight leg drives.Using a lateral movement drive each knee lifting the foot over each hurdle. Going over all 5 hurdles and back again is one rep. Do 3 reps and move on to Straight Leg Drives. For the Straight Leg Drives do the same but bring the leg over each hurdle while keeping it as straight as possible. Use a good arm action for both of these drills. Focus on a good posture and moving your legs as fast as you can....
Take a look at this demonstrational video and learn how to do hurdle walk overs which consist of a right knee drive, left knee drive, and full walk overs.Focus on moving your legs fast and freely, using a big and fast arm action. This exercise is as much about arm technique as leg technique so make sure to remember this. Try placing white tape or arm bands around your wrists to you can easily see if you are driving you arms up to your eye level. Keep an upright body posture through out.Make...
Check out this demonstrational video and learn how to perform a depth jump static landing with a bunny jump to a hurdle rebound. This combination is very demanding and all the elements need to be learned properly first.
A basic instructional video of hurdle rebound jumping, using five hurdles three to four feet apart, useful for coaches and athletes of all jumping sports.
Take a look at this demonstrative video and learn how to execute an exercise that covers agility, balance and co-ordination. Be as quick as you can with the upper body when turning. Keep the legs neat with a high knee action and stay light on your feet bouncing on the ball of your foot. Use 5 hurdle up to waist height. Perform 3 reps clockwise and 3 reps anti-clockwise for one set. 2 - 3 sets will do it.
This how to video demonstrates box to box rebounds, using 3 boxes of varying height (30,40,60cm). This pylometric exercise is useful for coaches and athletes of all jumping sports especially high jump and basketball. With the tips from this tutorial you will be able to jump higher and land safely.
This how to video demonstrates a depth jump. The depth jump is a basic pylometric exercise useful for coaches and athletes of all jumping sports. With this exercise you jump higher and land properly in all your track and field jumping sports as well as basketball.
In this how-to video, Bill Falk and Mark Srawderman will teach you to pole vault like a champion. This is a very hard sport to mater, and it requires a lot of time and dedication. Be careful with it, but have fun!
This how-to video teaches you how to pole vault like Mary Sauer. With help from this video, you should learn how to better you pole vaulting abilities. Pole vaulting can cause serious harm, if not death, so be careful.
This is a SEGA Beijing Olympics 2008 tutorial video on track and field techniques. This is a detailed breakdown of using starting blocks in running short distance sprints like the 100 meter race.
This how-to video is about "The Spin" or "Full Turn" of a discus. A discus is a hard object to master, but with enough practice, it should come easily to anyone.
This how-to video give you information on how to grip the discus and spin it with your hand when throwing. The discus should comfortably towards the front of your hand.
In this how-to video, James Cole will teach you how to properly throw a shot put. The shot put takes a lot of strength and a lot of force to throw it hard. Make sure to follow James' instuctions so you do not hurt yourself.
This how-to video gives the basics of throwing a discus. This takes form and balance to throw, so make sure to grip the discus properly, and throw it with all your might.
To avoid sports-related injuries, it is essential to warm-up before a race or a game or even before a training or practice session. Watch this video tutorial to learn how to warm up before running by doing side steps from Gilbert's Gazelle training program. This how-to video is a must watch for all track and field athletes.
Whether you're in track, football, soccer, or a marathon runner, this HowTo video is sure to help you out. Learn how to use proper techniques for speed and acceleration so you can run faster. Increase your agility and coordination to accelerate your speed to the max with Coach Scott Phelps.
Learn some recovery drills that help develop explosive movements in your legs. By remembering to concentrate on downward motion as well as upward motion, you will increase your speed even more.
This video clip series is here to help get you started on your way to gold. Our expert, Jabari Pride, is a world champion track and field athlete and he is here to show you how to get a leg up on your competition. No pun intended. He will show you a series of warm ups, stretches and drills you will need to master in order to beat your competition and leave them in the dust.
Heptathlete Denise Lewis shows you how to do one of her seven events, the shot put. Legs are crucial and it's all about transferring your weight. You need to twist your hips and your upper body strength will get that shot flying through the air.
When you do a super crouch start, you should make sure that both of your feet are shoulder width apart. Your right foot should be out heel to heel and also your left foot should be in the back.
Justin Gatlin the Olympic 100m champion deomonstrates his sprinting tips. Focus on the race rather than the other runners. Make sure you're relaxed in the drive and transition phase.
Jeremy Wariner, the Olympic 400m champ gives his tips. This is essentially a long sprint. Stay focused at the start and block out the crowd and other athletes. Go out hard and look for the person in the lane in front.You'll be hurting at the end but work hard and think about the finish line.
Jo Ankier is one of Britain's top steeplechasers, and she shows you her technique for this grueling race. The 3,000m steeplechase is seven-and-a-half laps of endurance running, with four hurdles and a water jump on every lap. There are three key areas to work on - Endurance, hurdling technique and mental toughness.
European Indoors champion Phillips Idowu gives you a triple jump masterclass. It can be broken down into four parts, the approach hop, step and jump. The key is to attain maximum speed on the approach until about four steps out from the board, then focus on the remainder.
Jade Johnson has risen from virtual obscurity to become Britain's number one long jumper. She domonstrates how to jump further. Make sure you warm up properly - it's vital to make sure you perform to your best and lower the risk of getting injured. Increase your run-up speed as you approach the board - but remember to stay in control. Don't forget your arms! Keep them under control - whatever they do, your legs will follow.
Great Britain's Mark Lewis-Francis reveals what it takes to be a better sprinter. Key elements are the techniques in the blocks, and once you're off, make sure not to hunch your shoulders.
Britain's only female javelin thrower in Athens shows you how to improve on your throwing. Keep the javelin horizontal on the run up, plant the final foot before the line and make sure the throwing arm is straight as possible with the elbow high.
In this hurdling tutorial, learn hurdle agility drills and tips for great hurdling from expert hurdler Saidia Rafel. Saidia will teach you A skip hurdle drills, how to warm up for running the hurdles, and the karaoke hurdle drill.